Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's so disappointing... think that you have one of your favorite snacks and you don't. =(

Yes, that happened to me just now. I thought I had at least one more Luna Bar, but alas it was not so. So, I have decided to have equivalent of a "Slim Fast" shake instead. Don't worry, I don't think they actually do anything, but I do find them tasty. =) Yes, I do have odd taste sometimes.

This morning I decided to have very delicious "Mint Cooler Tea" on my way to class. It was delicious warm, but very light. =) Just the thing to wake me up.

This tea came from a very cute little Herb shop in town called "Sweet Annie Herbs". It smells so delicious as soon as you walk into the door and the women who worked there were more than happy to help. They don't just have tea either, all kinds of herbs and home remedies. It is fantastic and I can't wait for a 2nd trip!

I need to be productive today so I've set up camp on my bed:


Sorry about the lack of pictures, I forgot my camera most of the day. =/ More to come! =)

P.S. Happy thoughts for my friend Steph, she is experiencing computer difficulties and is about to undertake "Customer Service"

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