Friday, April 30, 2010

Sundresses & Flip-Flops

The weather is starting to peak here in my cute & quiet little town. With a high of 75 degrees I want to braid my hair with flowers, and stare at the clouds for hours. It's days like today that make me want to live in the woods & live off the land. I think that's what summertime is about, going back to a simple time. Going back to be 5 years old again when the park was exciting and you lived in thin linen dresses, and dandelions in your hair made you feel like the princess of the field! That's what I want my summer to be about relaxing, cooking, dancing, and playing. It's exciting, I'm excited, and you should be too.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Small Talents

It amazes me everyday the small talents that people present that you may never even know about! To some it's a hobby, or something that took hours/ years for them to master. One thing that truly shocked & amazed me was this:

The time, the detail that goes into one of these creations! You can find more at this site: more amazing work!

Favorite Chair

Recently my roommate and I have been having a mini feud over the chair in our dorm. I feel like it might bring us together. I think it's cute. I love her dearly. I call her mean names, and she reciprocates. It's a love disguised as hate relationship, but I honestly think it keeps us sane. I just wonder though how many people have that favorite thing? Like when you feel bad you just go for that thing, or you feel most relaxed when you're sitting on that favorite chair or cuddly with that favorite blanket? It seems to be a pretty common thing for humans to get attached to things. Well, at least most people I've met. But what about the people I haven't met? Do all people feel comforted by some soul-less, personality-less thing?

"Not Martha"

One evening while in the library my friend stumbled upon a random website. This woman in seattle whose title is "Not Martha" I was personally throughly first amused by the title & kept on looking through the website. She has this recipe for Blueberry Cobbler in mini Jars. Personally I was very excited! My friend and I made a deal and I would attempt to make them over the summer. I really liked the blog it's self so I thought I would share it for some person who randomly stumbles upon my blog. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! =)

Click Here For: "Not Martha"!

Starting A Blog 101

Well, I finally did it- I started a blog. At least, the first part anyway. I've been telling myself for years I'd start a blog. I mean why not, I enjoy reading them so I should enjoy writing one as well. I feel like it's going to be hard to continue writing on a routine basis, but I suppose that's what the laziest of summer is for. As the semester winds down and the summer & warm weather quickly approaching I think it's time to stop waiting. I keep waiting for time and as one quote said "If you don't have time today, what makes you think you'll have time tomorrow?" Well, here's to today! I suppose I should start with a little bit about myself. I like people. In fact, I love people. People are interesting animals that I really like to understand, I try to imagine what life would be like if I was someone else. I'm not saying I want to be someone else, in fact I like myself just fine, but it's a curiosity thing honestly. I think that's why I'm starting this blog. I always wonder what other people think & see, so I'm sure some one else out there also thinks the same thing. So, that's what this blog is for. To post random things I like, dislike, and just random facts that I find interesting. I hope someone out there also finds joy from my blog if not, oh well, no harm done. Thanks for reading!

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