Thursday, April 29, 2010

Starting A Blog 101

Well, I finally did it- I started a blog. At least, the first part anyway. I've been telling myself for years I'd start a blog. I mean why not, I enjoy reading them so I should enjoy writing one as well. I feel like it's going to be hard to continue writing on a routine basis, but I suppose that's what the laziest of summer is for. As the semester winds down and the summer & warm weather quickly approaching I think it's time to stop waiting. I keep waiting for time and as one quote said "If you don't have time today, what makes you think you'll have time tomorrow?" Well, here's to today! I suppose I should start with a little bit about myself. I like people. In fact, I love people. People are interesting animals that I really like to understand, I try to imagine what life would be like if I was someone else. I'm not saying I want to be someone else, in fact I like myself just fine, but it's a curiosity thing honestly. I think that's why I'm starting this blog. I always wonder what other people think & see, so I'm sure some one else out there also thinks the same thing. So, that's what this blog is for. To post random things I like, dislike, and just random facts that I find interesting. I hope someone out there also finds joy from my blog if not, oh well, no harm done. Thanks for reading!


  1. I am here! I am here!! Hurray for blogs!
    Also, I'm glad you aren't someone else. D=

  2. hehe! Thanks! I'm glad I'm not anyone else either. =)


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